
Recent Work

Credits: Hornbach “Goth Girl”: d: Pep Bosch Toronto Raptors "We The North" d: Stuart McIntyre p: Rob Jacklin Lexus: d: Raf Wathion p: Fredrik Vranken. Tim Horton’s Winter Olympic Spot: w/ Sidney Crosby d: Mark Zibert p: Dwight Phipps. Arcade Fire Variety Show: d: Roman Coppola. McDonald's - Egg McMuffin "The One and Only". Tim Horton’s Welcome Home. Vinta - The Long Journey, d. Jun Diaz. VW 'Drive Until Time' 'Butcher' d. Jean-Michel Ravon. Dentyne: 'Ping Pong' d. Curtis Wehrfritz. PFIZER 'Breathe' d. John Mastromonaco